ALL Woodwinds tomorrow...!

Great Job today everybody!  We have a super bunch of "Newbies" and incoming Freshmen!  Kudos!!

I know...  It was HOT!  

A note to the parents of new members:  Marching band is physical and is demanding of students on many different levels.  It was obvious at today's practice that some of our members were a little, oh how do we say...?  Out of shape?!  Band members need tons of water and "sunscreen".  They also need to do some basic conditioning.  We spoke today in orientation about stretching, sit-ups, pull-ups and push-ups, leg lifts, etc... as well as some aerobic workouts.  This is outside of band practice!   Marching drummers need to do at least what is mentioned above + some work with super-circuit cycles, and weights (not necessarily free weights) in the wellness center or other gym.  This is really something that should have been done over the summer but with the COVID crisis, was unable to happen.  You can still catch-up.  These drums are anywhere from 20-40 pounds and they're carrying them for 5-10 minutes at a time!  You need to build up the muscles in your lower back to avoid injury!

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is woodwind day and ALL woodwind players in the band (including newbies) are required to attend!  Please see the order of things (below):

1.  12:45 PM - Woodwind players "check-in" at the registration table which is located just outside of the auditorium entrance (rear of school).  Please wear your mask when checking in and practice social distancing!

2.  Band members will be checked for all forms and will be given their band folders which include their instrument part, show music and drill.  "IF" we don't receive a school district COVID-19 Waiver Form we cannot allow you to participate.

3.  Once signing in please locate your section leaders and go to your assigned sectional area.  Take a music stand, wipe it down, clean your hands and don't touch anyone else's things!

* We are only permitted in the school on an occasional  basis and are NOT permitted to play instruments in the building.

Welcome Back!  Get Psyched!  Go Trojan Pride Band! 👍
