Tuesday - New developments!

Please read!

Here some updates for the remainder of the school year!


1) April 23rd Disney Trip Meeting. (We'll be in contact with you concerning logistics)

2) April 23rd Annual Marching Band Organization Meeting  (Marching Band Registration Papers will be "mailed" to all band member's homes over Spring break).  Look for them!

3) Annual Music Department Mattress Fundraiser.  (We'll just try again next season!)

4) May 3rd District Music and Fine Arts Festival. (We're trying to reschedule for a later date and will keep you updated!)

Assignments:  (For middle and high school band students)

Middle School Bands:

After the Spring Break no further "recordings and submissions" of music will be required.  While some students were right on top of it and found it very simple others had a very hard time and we never heard from them - thus, no grades!  So... "Practice-like" assignments on band music and in method books will be given to all middle school bands BUT will be coupled with some videos, short writing assignments and weekly practice on musictheory.net.  Why not check it out now!

High School Band:

Videos and some brief writing assignments (mostly having to do with the analyzation of a particular work) will continue, but some exercises and work on musictheory.net will be assigned (very simple - relax!).  NEW MARCHING BAND MUSIC AND FLIP FOLIOS will be able to be found on the shelves in the red marching band trailer after Spring break.  The music will have the student's name on it!  We'll also assign some work to be done on it as well!  Make sure you're all "joined-up" on the high school band Google Classroom page. That's where all the band assignments are!

Have a nice Spring Break!  Hopefully we'll see you soon! 😎
