Update for Band Students and families...

🔎 Mr. D. can be contacted either via e-mail at chuck.dettmar@centerburgschools.org or through comments from students on Google Classroom.

🔎 ALL current band music for all students in grades 6-12 can be found on a long table in the music hallway.  PARENTS ONLY may enter the school to retrieve the music in case a student needs it to complete their "at home" practice examples each week!

🔎  ALL band students should now have their instruments at home as they will need to practice each week and record themselves for their grades AND the school will be sanitizing all lockers so they must be empty!  THE BAND ROOM IS OPEN  and all locker combos are listed on the wall next to the locker room entrance!  Parents or guardians only may enter!

IMPORTANT...  I noticed that 67 out of 76 high school band students are registered for the H.S. Band Google Classroom.  "IF" you are not registered you won't be getting the assignments!  One is already posted.  PLEASE register now!  It's only been 7 months!  Class code:  jcgjf4v

Stay well everybody! 😃
