Senior Week / Mid States Weekend

 Announcements:  Oct. 2nd - 6th, 2023

This coming week we'll be working on learning the senior show, which will be performed this coming Friday evening.  PARENTS of all marching band seniors should meet in the end zone where the marching band sits at 6 PM to line-up to be introduced!

Monday:  Marching Band Practice 6:00 - 9:00 ON THE VARSITY FIELD.  Band classes will load the trailer during the day on Monday and then practice will begin promptly at 6:00 PM on the VARSITY FIELD.


Wednesday Marching Band 3:15 - 5:00 PM. (More senior show...with a run-through of the competition show in preparation for this Saturday.). Practice on our usual field

Friday Marching Band 3:15 - 4:30 PM followed by dinner and the game.  

Saturday Marching Band Practice on the band practice field (the one with the track) from 12:00 Noon 'till 1:00 PM...followed by lunch at 1:00 PM (provided).  The buses will leave for the Mid-States Competition in Mason OH. around 2:00 PM.

NOTES TO PARENTS:  Complete information about the Saturday night Mid-States Marching Band Competition will be posted and sent out via Remind, Facebook and Instagram by Monday evening so you may plan ahead.  This Saturday is a very large competition involving about 30 bands.  We take the field in competition at 6:35 PM and the awards are at 9:15 PM.  Return time to Centerburg will be around midnight!
