Calendars and schedules

 Calendar and schedule info...

         Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience with last minute changes to schedules having to do with the marching band.  Sometimes we need to change things when the people who work for us and with us are only available at certain times, i.e. Parent volunteers for uniform fittings, photographers,  vendors, etc...  We attempt to stick to the calendar as close as possible, and from here on out that should be the case.  Tying together the loose ends has been a challenge this season, and we are at the mercy of the schedules of others, which in turn has an affect on what we need to do.  Please understand, however, that Mr. D and Mrs. Teschler NEVER leave the school until every band member has been picked-up by their parents.  A student will never be left to wait alone.  Uniform fitting went very slowly last evening because so many changes need to be made...and it ran right through our practice time.  It was a priority at that time.  Thanks for being understanding with all of this...things should settle down now to where we can simply follow the marching band calendar as printed!
