Early Summer Update... 6/9/2023

 Greetings to all our Super marching band members...!

Just a few things (updates)...

1)  Now that we've pretty much completed the instrument inventory, straightened-out lockers and locks and organized the band library we are now sitting down to go through all MARCHING BAND REGISTRATIONS and MARCHING BAND PAYMENTS.  Please be patient.  Although many folks did turn-in their funds back in April and early May, the due date was only the last day of school... which is why checks have yet to be deposited.

2). PLEASE REMEMBER:  All  marching band payments are made payable to CENTERBURG SCHOOLS and therefore need to be in the form of check or money order only I currently have 2 envelopes full of cash that I will be returning to those students.

3). Hope your summer is fun so far.  See you at the June 23rd parade practice from 5-7 PM.  The parade is Saturday, June 24th and it steps off at 10:00 AM. More info to follow...

Have fun in the meantime!  🏖
