It's Concert Time (announcements)

 This Week in Music:

Thursday, 12/2:  7:00 - 8:30+?  Jazz Band  Sorry for the last minute, but there is literally no other time to meet this week.  Jazz will also be next Tuesday at 7:00 PM as well.  Our final rehearsal will be at 3 PM on the day of the concert (Monday, December 12th from 3:15 - 4:30 PM)

Monday, Dec. 5th:  7th and 8th Grade Band & Choir Concert:  Student report time is 6:30 PM in red music polos and black slacks or skirt.  The concert begins at 7 PM. 

St. Patrick's Trip Reminder:  All 2nd $100 payments (if that's the plan you chose) are due by December 10th.  Checks made payable to:  CENTERBURG MUSIC BOOSTERS.  New 2nd and 3rd payment forms are on the piano in the band room.  Please return the form with your payment!

Other upcoming concerts:

Orff Ensemble/5th/6th Grade Band & Choir Concert:  December 8th

High School Band & Choir Concert:  December 12th
