Marching Band Awards Banquet Update...

 Marching Band Awards Banquet Update...

The Marching band Awards Banquet is scheduled for Sunday afternoon, November 20th at 3 PM in the CHS Cafeteria.

1.  Banquet forms were mailed to all band members homes along with the St. Patrick's trip information a month ago.  They were all due by Friday, October 21st.

2.  We still have not heard from about 20% of the band members or their families as to whether or not they will be attending the banquet.  Please do so!

3.  The final day for turning-in banquet forms / payments to the band office will be this coming Monday, October 31st at 3 PM.  After that everyone may attend the awards, but will not be involved in the banquet/dinner.  Band members and their families will be given tickets that will be turned in at the serving line

4.  We will try one last time to  connect with those students/families who have not responded by sending an e-mail to those band members along with the banquet registration form as an attachment.  It may be printed-out and completed over the weekend!

Looking forward to seeing you all there!  Thanks everybody!!!
