Weekly Updates...

 Week of April 19th - 23rd:

Wednesday Evening drum line and percussion pit practice continues from 6 - 7:30 PM

Marching Band Practice The next meeting/practice of the 2021-22 Marching Band is scheduled for next Wednesday, April 28th from 7:00-8:15 PM. -  Please bring your instruments and be sure to have a 3-ring binder !

Jazz Band:  The jazz band will continue to hold Monday evening practices through May 10th.  On Monday, May 3rd Utica HS will be joining us for an exchange concert (no audience) beginning 6 PM, so we are asking all jazz band members to please arrive by 5:45 PM!!  We'll play from 6 - 7 PM and then we'll have pizza at 7 PM.  PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO GIVE MR. D YOUR $3 FOR PIZZA.  IF YOU'D LIKE TO DONATE MOR $ WE COULD DEFINATELY USE IT!!!

Music Department Annual Mattress Sale Fundraiser... will be held in the high school gym on Sunday, May 2nd from 10 AM 'till 4 PM.  Come support the music department by buying a new mattress!  You can even try 'em out and have 'em delivered!!!

2022 Proposed Florida/Disney Trip:  Registration on Bob Roger's Travel is now open for all high school choir students, high school band students and any 8th graders who may just happen to be in marching band.  Students should have given their parents copies of the itinerary, trip insurance info. and registration instructions.  If you did not receive one there are extras in the high school band room!

Spring Concerts Will be recorded during the school day (after school for jazz band) on Thursday and Friday, May 13th and 14th.  While students don't need to necessarily need to get "dressed-up" they should step it up from what they usually wear to school!

Memorial Day Parade:  Is a go this year, but will much shorter!  All students in this past year's marching band are expected to attend.  We all have things to do, but this is our last obligation of the year.  Please wear your khakis and band polos with white sneakers/tennis shoes!   We'll be playing both the Star Spangled Banner and You're a Grand Ol' Flag / My Country Tis of Thee.  The one (1) practice we'll have for the parade will be from 3-4:30 PM on Friday, May 28th.  Please plan on attending! 

Graduation 2021:  Currently the graduation ceremony will be held in the high school gym as usual, but neither the band nor choir will perform!
