Attention Parents of Middle School Band Students...

Just a reminder...

1.  Participation in band class counts as only 10 points per week.

2.  Completion and submission of weekly SmartMusic examples count as 10 points each (There are anywhere from 6 to 12 examples expected each and every marking period).

3.  While many students are practicing their lessons and submitting their work a good handful have not completed any during this marking period so far.

4.  Today (Friday) we will make each and every band period "make-up" day so those students who have been delinquent in this area can get back on track.

5.  Finally...  band grades will be updated over the weekend and we'll need to be brutally honest with both students and parents concerning where each and every band member stands.

Have a nice weekend!  If you have ANY questions please e-mail Chuck Dettmar or call the CHS Band Office at 740-625-6055, ext. 2185
