Greetings all Music Students and Families...

Indoor Color Guard...  Is currently meeting from 3-5 PM on Monday and Thursday afternoons!  All are welcome!  (Must be in grades 7-12)

Jazz Band...  Is currently meeting from 7-8:30 PM on Monday evenings.

Indoor Percussion...  We are currently interviewing individuals for the director position.  As soon as we have something in place we'll start up!

Holiday Concerts...  YES!  There will be holiday concerts, but no audience.  Concerts will be professionally recorded during the school day for students in grades 6, 8 and High School, and in the  evening for 7th grade.   7th grade needs to be in the evening as 50% of that group is still on virtual instruction.  Updates and actual schedules will come shortly!

COVID-19 Precautions and protocols...  While students are doing very well with the wearing of masks, they need to be reminded that band students MUST remain 6' apart in band rehearsals AND that the mask must remain on at all times UNLESS they are actually playing their instruments.  The biggest issue right now, however, is what is happening during "pack-up" time.  Students are congregating in certain areas (storage rooms, music halls, stage and band room areas, etc...). PLEASE speak to your band member about keeping up their "guard".  Things are getting pretty bad statewide and we don't want to have the band program shut-down because of it!  Please see the video that was recently posted on all classes Google Classroom! 😎

