This week's Marching Band Schedule...!

 Marching Band Schedule:

Friday, Sept. 25th:  3:00 - 4:30 PM - Marching Band Practice (on the new track field)

Friday, Sept. 25th:  Home Football Game 7:00 PM.  Band members should report to the front of the elementary BY 6:15 PM (band polos and khakis)

Saturday, Sept. 26th:  Mount Vernon HS Band Show.  Report time to school is 5:00 PM and the buses will leave AT 5:30 PM.  Bands in attendance will be Danville, Utica, Centerburg and Mount Vernon, and we'll take turns playing for and cheering on each other!  NO SPECTATORS, but the event will be streamed live. (More information on the LIVE STREAM to follow).

Monday, Sept. 28th:  Band Practice 5:00 - 7:00 PM (ON THE VARSITY FIELD) Please wear band polos & Khakis!

Monday, Sept. 28th:  7:00 PM - Annual Marching Band Ice Cream Social and Marching Band Performance.  This year the band will be participating in the Annual Yamaha Cup Championship hosted by the USBands of Allentown, PA, and will be a virtual event.  The band will record it's show - so there may be a few re-takes, but SPECTATORS ARE WELCOME as long as they have a ticket!!  PLEASE ENTER THE FIELD ON THE PLAYGROUND SIDE!!

HEALTH NOTE:  Bleachers are marked with black tape.  Please be considerate and sit on the tape.  Masks are also required! 😃

PLEASE REMEMBER:  All marching band practices and performances are mandatory 

and are a "TEAM" effort!
