Well, We did it!

We managed to get through online instruction.  Believe me, it was a challenge in BAND!  I tried to make assignments meaningful, interesting and even fun!  I'll continue to learn more about it just in case we need to be online next year too!

#1. Thank you to everyone who did the online band assignments and turned them in.  I posted on Google Classroom that any band student who is behind may do some make-up lessons on SmartMusic.   Out of the 179 band students we only had 8 who who didn't do any work during the 4th marking period.  IT'S NOT TOO LATE!  

#2. End-of-Year Return/pick-up Days:  The school has posted days and hours for drop-off and pick-up of all personal belongings, instruments, chrome books and text books.  PLEASE be sure to check the BAND TABLE.  It's in the front hall by the main office!  We've gone through all band lockers and put your name on all your stuff.  It's lined up in alphabetical order on the band table!

#3. Senior Awards (plaques) have been ordered and should be in by mid-week.  We will let you know more ASAP! 

#4. Returning of Band Music...!  IMPORTANT!  If you have any band folders, jazz band folders, solo/ensemble music or books that belong to the music department please return them to the red band trailer.  The side door is unlocked and you can simply place these items on one of the shelves.  Thanks!

#5. Marching Band Student Leader Auditions Are coming due (please see below)

Section Leader Video Auditions & Interviews:  
DUE:  Friday, May 15th!  

Field Commander Video Auditions and Interviews:  
DUE: June 1st!

NEW Color Guard Member Video Auditions and Interviews:  
DUE:  June 15th!  There are plenty of practice flags in the band trailer.  Help yourself!!

#6. Finally,  Mr. D. will accept any and all band assignments from ALL GRADES up until May 26th!!!  That gives everybody plenty o' time to get stuff done and get an "A"!    Otherwise...........? 

Be safe!   Be well!   Be careful!....................and practice!  
