High School Choir Fall Exchange Concert

High School Concert Choir

Don't forget to turn in your permission slips for our upcoming Festival of Choirs.

On the day of the concert we will be having pizza with all of the choirs before the concert. Please bring in your $5 by Friday. Also, each school is in charge of bringing something to share and we are in charge of chips. Please bring a bag of chips to share with the other choirs during dinner Monday.

Families please plan to join us for this fun culminative concert! Below is the original letter that was sent home.

Greetings choir family!

We are off to the start of a very exciting year in choral music! This school year we will be traveling to Washington D.C. in the spring with the choir, hosting our first choral-only concert featuring all of the choirs 6th-12th grades in March, attending area honor choirs, solo and ensemble, and new this year participating in the inaugural Fall Festival of Choirs at Olentangy Berlin high school. Berlin is newly opened this year and the choir director is a colleague and friend from my days at Otterbein.

Mr. Sribanditmongkol and the Olentangy Berlin choirs have invited Centerburg, Heath, and Jonathan-Alder High schools to all participate in this event all of which are directed by my peers who attended college at Otterbein and sang together in choir. The Otterbein Concert Choir will also be attending the festival. Dr. Gayle Walker, my former choral director, will be giving a masterclass rehearsal with each choir individually during the day and then we will all prepare a combined number that all 5 schools will perform together at the concert.

Centerburg students will board busses at 2:00 pm to travel to OBHS and have our masterclass session. After that we will observe other sessions and be involved in a rehearsal with all of the groups on our combined number. We will also have dinner together and students will have the opportunity to mix and mingle with choral peers from these schools. Exchange concerts are a great way of networking with other singers. We will then dress in concert attire and perform a concert which we invite you to attend. The concert is free, but seating will be limited.

The Fall Festival of Choirs Concert
Olentangy Berlin High School, Auditorium
3000 Berlin Station Rd. Delaware, OH 43015
October 8 at 7:00pm

There will be bussing back, but if you attend the concert, you’re welcome to take your student home, you’ll just need to sign them out with Mrs. Culbertson or a chaperone. Because this is a new event, we are still coordinating some details. I will let you know of anything new on the Centerburg Music Blog or by way of in-class announcements. Please return the below permission slip by October 5 for your student to participate in this new and exciting event!

(student name)_________________________________ has my permission to attend the Fall Festival of Choirs event on October 8, 2018.

(circle the one that applies) My child will ride home on the bus   My child will ride home with __________
Students must be signed out by a parent or guardian and cannot ride home with anyone without prior written consent

Parent Signature_______________________________
