Weekly Update

Weekly Update...

Marching Band

Friday, Sept. 7th:

3:00 - 4:15 - Marching Band Practice
4:15 - 4:30 - Load Trailer
4:30 - Dinner (pizza
5:40 - Arrive at elementary parking lot.
5:45 - Band Unload Trailer at elementary and set-up for skull-session performance.
6:15 - Skull Session Performance  ( Don't Stop, Open Arms, Bohemian, New Alma Mater, Fight Song)
6:35 - March into stadium
6:40 - Pre-Game show  ( You may use your flip books if you need them!) - You will need "Grand Ol' Flag / America the beautiful as we'll be performing it on the field.
7:00 - Game begins

Monday, September 10th:  Marching Band - 3:00 - 5:00 PM
Tuesday, September 11th:  Drum Line - 3:00 - 4:15 PM
Wednesday, September 12th:  Marching Band - 3:00 - 5:00 PM
Friday:  Game

6th Grade Band:

*  First performance grades during scheduled music lessons.  Be sure to check Google Classroom for the assignments each week!

7th Grade Band:  

*  Letters going home to parents concerning the book we need to order; Traditions of Excellence Book IIPayments are due in the band office no later than Wednesday, September 19th and checks should be made payable to Centerburg Middle School.

8th Grade Band:

*  8th Grade musicians will be receiving their "pull-out" music lessons during band class itself on a bi-weekly basis. A portion of their grade is based on the continuous refinement of their pedagogical and music skills and should be diligently reviewing their lessons at home.  Lessons include whatever exercises we've covered in the method book as well as technique we've been teaching and reviewing.
