Weekly Update

Week of Sept 4th

Marching band Announcements:

1)  Due to the Labor Day weekend, there will be no marching band practice on Monday evening, September 4th.  BUT... there will be marching band practice at the Varsity Field on Tuesday, September 5th from 6:30-8:30 PM.  (This was not originally on the schedule). ALL pit and battery percussion should arrive BY 5:30 PM for warm-up and sectional rehearsal, with the rest of the band joining by 6:15 PM.

2)  This Friday night (September 8th) we will be in full uniform for the football game.  Students and parents are asked to please check the length of the uniform pants and either iron and/or hem them if necessary.  The stripe on the side should be absolutely straight, and pants should not be touching the ground.  Although they have adjustable buttons, it may not be enough, and a couple of stitches around the bottom may be necessary (yes, you are allowed to do that!) How band members wear and care for their uniform is all part of the overall first marking period grade.  Although uniforms generally remain in school, there are times when they need to go home for spot cleaning, ironing or altering!  Let's look sharp! 

6th Grade Band:

1)  Band students are given a lessons to prepare at home and should be working on them 3-4 times per week for at least 15 minutes.  Ask your child to play their lesson for you!

2)  Condition of some instruments:  I'm finding many of the students' instruments are in need of repair or updating (i.e. - trombone slides that sound like sandpaper on metal, tuning slides that are frozen shut, clarinet and flute pads that are dry, brittle or split).  This is especially so on certain instruments that were either hand-me-downs or purchased through e-bay, craig's list or the like.  I'll try to make a note for each student to bring home so you may take the instrument over to Music and Arts in Westerville or Martin Music on 21st St. in Newark.  Instruments that don't play well are only going to turn-off the student because they cannot play them or produce a good sound.  Please call me with any questions at 740-625-6055  ext. 2185.
