Music Announcements for Sept. 16th - 21st

 Hey Band...  Super job at Saturday's Mt. Vernon Band Show.  Things are really "starting" to come together, and we're definitely on the way up!  Keep up the good work!

Attention Marching Band Members:  Please go to Google Classroom and see your " AM I PREPARED?" assignment which is due at 3:00 on Wednesday, and worth 15 pts.

Attention Band Members and Parents:  It is still rather hot in after school practices.  Band members are well aware that they need to have a 1 gallon water jug with them at all times, and be in the appropriate practice attire (shorts, t shirts, sneakers/tennis shoes) This Wednesday after school we will provide them with orange slices to eat before they go out on the field!   Last week they were dropping like flies, and many students confessed that they had not eaten breakfast, had no water with them, and only ate junk for lunch...We will try to help however we can...and providing some orange slices "may" help! 

Attention Parents of Middle School-level Marching Band Members:  Just a heads-up... your child "should" be practicing at home either in the side yard and/or In front of a mirror, working on their marching technique and all the visuals that are written-in on their music.  They can do it while playing the recording of the music, and simply following along on their sheet music.  We're finding that most are not coming to rehearsal having done their homework/preparations so they know what they are doing.  Rehearsal is the time we put everything together...not teach the same thing over and over.  Help us out by checking up on them, ok?

Tuesday:  Marching Band Practice 6:00 - 8:45 PM (report time is 5:50 PM.

Wednesday:  Marching Band Practice 3:15 - 5:20 PM (soccer begins at 5:30)

Friday:  Marching Band Practice 3:15 - 4:30 PM - followed by dinner and football game

Saturday: Farm Festival Parade (report time to school is 9 AM and the parade kicks-off at 10:00 AM)

Saturday afternoon / evening: Jackson Festival of Bands, Jackson, OH. (report time to school is 3:00 - buses leave at 3:30 and should return around midnight.

Other business:  We are currently inviting all marching band members to sign-up for our WGI (Winter Guard International) Indoor Winds, that consists of brass, woodwinds and front ensemble.  Middle school-school level students who are interested will need to perform a short marching and playing audition for us.  Students were sent the information through Google Classroom, and responses are due by October 1st.  The final rehearsal time will be determined in a meeting with the everybody will agree on when we will practice so there are no conflicts.  
