Marching Band Upcoming Events...

Congratulations Marching Band on a SUPER job so far this season!  Keep up the good work!

Before we list some arrival times for our upcoming parades, band shows and festivals please let me make one announcement pertaining to attendance...

Announcement ALL marching band members are to be present and accounted for at ALL marching band practices and events,  If you as a student or parent are confused about anything "marching band" please refer to the Marching Band Handbook located on the Centerburg Music Website.  Students who are out sick from school on a particular day are obviously excused from band practice.  If a student is in school that day but became sick later on then an e mail from home is expected otherwise the absence will have an effect on the student's band grade.  Things like having to be absent for an appointment of some sort or a vacation must be communicated to the marching band director in writing and in a timely manner or the absence will also have an effect on the student's grade.  While the majority of our band members are hard working, reliable and dedicated band members who rarely miss anything during the fall season, tonight we had over 20 students missing by the end of the practice, causing it to become unproductive.  Please understand the importance of being on time and present, as everyone depends on everyone in their section.  Let's have a great rest of the season!

Saturday, September 14th:  Mt. Vernon Band Show - Band members arrive at 4 PM...buses leave at 5 PM - Show begins at 7 PM

Saturday, September 21st:  Centerburg Old Time Farm Festival Parade - Band members arrive at 9 AM, Parade steps off at 10 AM - Band Park Performance usually over by Noontime.

Saturday, September 21st: Jackson Festival of Bands - Band members arrive at 2:30 PM - buses leave at 3:30 PM and return around Midnight.
