
Happy New Year!

  Happy New Year. .. 🎈 To all of our Centerburg Music People! This week's announcements and schedule : *  Universal Trip Participants should be sure to check their Bob Rogers Accounts and get their trip payments updated.  We've only go 2 months to go! *  All Ohio Wesleyan Honor Band Participants should have already registered as a participant, paid their fees and printed out their music so they can practice their parts prior to February 14th's rehearsal at the University!! *  HS Jazz Band will meet on Monday, Jan. 6th at 7 PM.  (In case of a snow day there will NOT be rehearsal)! *  Middle School Jazz Band:   "NEW" Because we have such a wonderful bank of talent, we're looking to start up the MS Jazz Band again.  Rehearsals will be Monday nights from 6-7 PM .  Any students who wishes to be a part of the MS Jazz Band will need to be sure their schedules are clear during this time slot!  More info will be emailed to parents via...

Thank You!!

  A big Thank You goes out to all our middle and high school band and choir members who came along with their families to today's "Breakfast with Santa" Pancake Breakfast !  It's nice to know we have the support of 100% of our student's families!   Happy Holidays! 🎄

Winter Concert Schedule & Info

Tuesday, Dec. 10th @ 7 PM - 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Band and Choir Concert Student report time:   6:30 PM Attire: Music Polos and black slacks or skirt with black dress shoes Monday, Dec. 9th @ 7 PM - High School Band and Choir Concert Student report time:   6:30 PM Attire:  Semi-formal + holiday accessories?! * Please look for the email full of information on Friday evening!

Nov. 11th - 15th Band Announcements

 Kudos!!!  to all CHS Trojan Pride Marching Band Members, Staff and Parent Volunteers!  What a season!  The band is  literally on another level!!  I think our middle school music lessons, Instrumental Techniques classes and the overall number of band members who are really beginning to " study " and practice their instruments is where it is all stemming from.  We are now a band of "Players"!  We have more band members performing OMEA Solos than ever before.  Can't wait for next season!  Get pumped! This week's announcements : Monday, Nov. 11th:  HS Jazz @ 7 PM Wednesday, Nov. 13th:  Indoor Drum line and front ensemble:  As per your instructors Friday, Nov. 15th/16th:  Upperclassmen/Student leaders overnight trip to the Bands of America Grand National Championships and Student Leadership Conference in Indianapolis.  Bus leaves promptly at 7 AM!!


  A big "Congratulations " goes out to all our esteemed vocal students who performed this past Saturday with the OMEA (Ohio Music Educator's Association) District X Middle and High School Choirs!  Honor Choir Members are listed below:  Kudos to all! Middle School Gracelyn Davis - soprano, Lilly Hardman - soprano, Briley Wagner - Soprano, Ella Joering - Alto, Quinn Keaton - Alto, Analese Hernandez - Alto, Abigail O'Keefe - Alto, Carter Skillman - Baritone High School Gwennan Ellis - Soprano, Dayna Meier - Soprano, Ashley Moore - Soprano, Leo Speakman - Alto, Myka Wennel - Alto, Miles Ward - Bass 

It's Post Season Madness!!!

  Congratulations... to Claire Hill - flute, Andy Cornejo - horn, Annamarie Clevenger - trumpet, Beaux Blakesley - trombone, James Campbell - horn and Lily Laufer - horn, for being accepted to the OMEA (Ohio Music Educator's Association) District X Honor Band.  Thank you also to all the other students who were either nominated or auditioned for seats.  Your effort and enthusiasm does not go unnoticed ! A big THANK YOU also goes out to all the marching band members, chaperones, trailer pullers and parent pit crew at last night's championship game at Eastern High School!!! ANNOUNCEMENTS : Friday, Nov. 8th:   Play-Off Game #2 at Northmore .  Game begins at 7PM and the band bus will pull out at 5:30 PM.  Dinner $ will be provided for band members. Band practice will be from 3:15 - 4:15PM. Friday, Nov. 8th:  OWU ( Ohio Wesleyan University ) Honor Band nomination forms signed by parents are due in the band office.  If your child brought home a form t...

Attention Marching Band.... LOOK!

  Plans for this Friday:  NOV. 1st The marching band will be attending the 1st play-off game in Reedsville, OH...a 2 and a half hr. / 131 mile trip each way.  Mr. D. is waiting to hear back from the administration concerning the plans he'd like to put in place, and you will all be notified as soon as we have things organized.  In the meantime, you can count on the following : 1.  We will most likely need to leave CHS around 3:30 PM 2.  Will suspend the "eating only during 3rd quarter rule" and allow various sections of the band to visit the concession stand during the 1st and 2nd quarters as well as during the 3rd quarter (after we perform the halftime show). 3. The music boosters will either feed us before we leave or provide a bag snack of some sort to bring along on the bus.  Not sure yet. 4.  We will most definitely not return home until close to, or around 1 AM!!