Happy New Year!
Happy New Year. .. 🎈 To all of our Centerburg Music People! This week's announcements and schedule : * Universal Trip Participants should be sure to check their Bob Rogers Accounts and get their trip payments updated. We've only go 2 months to go! * All Ohio Wesleyan Honor Band Participants should have already registered as a participant, paid their fees and printed out their music so they can practice their parts prior to February 14th's rehearsal at the University!! * HS Jazz Band will meet on Monday, Jan. 6th at 7 PM. (In case of a snow day there will NOT be rehearsal)! * Middle School Jazz Band: "NEW" Because we have such a wonderful bank of talent, we're looking to start up the MS Jazz Band again. Rehearsals will be Monday nights from 6-7 PM . Any students who wishes to be a part of the MS Jazz Band will need to be sure their schedules are clear during this time slot! More info will be emailed to parents via...