This Week in the Bands...
Week of February 17th - 21st...
Congratulations to all the super CHS and CMS Band Members who participated in this past weekend's Ohio Wesleyan University Honor Band and Small Ensembles Concert. There were over 70 Ohio schools represented, and Centerburg had 16 students participate! Kudos to all!!
This Week:
* Just a reminder to all band members and parents that the 2025 Marching Band Registration will continue "LIVE" on the Centerburg Music Website until March 4th. Any and all band members who plan to march next season must submit their registration by March 4th!
* CORRECTION on the marching band registration... The NYC St, Patrick's Day Parade has been changed to March of 2027, from 2026. There will be other smaller trip opportunities for this coming season's band members though!!
* King's Island (Middle School Band and Choir Trip) Permission forms and payments are now due!
This Thursday: 2025 Marching Drum Line and Front Ensemble Practice 3:15 - 4:15 PM. IF you will be participating in this coming season's marching band percussion section then you will need to present at this first very important meeting and start of the annual spring training. Let Mr. D. know if you have an athletic competition so we can excuse you!
This Thursday: Drum Major Wannabee meeting - 3:15 - 4:00 PM. Any and all band members with at least 2 years of marching experience may attend to see what it's all about.
Upcoming events:
Next Monday, Feb. 24th: Middle School Jazz Band: 3:15 - 4:15 PM
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