Announcements: August 21st - 25th...

 Congratulations on a "SUPER" first marching band show!   Keep up the good work!!! 👍

Monday, 8/21: Marching Band Practice  6 - 9 PM  


6:00 PM:  Warm-ups and basics, 6:20 PM: Work Pre-Game Show , 6:45 PM: Work Heaven on their Minds (please have parts memorized)  8:15 PM (inside) Pep music practice.

Wednesday, 8/23:  Marching Band Practice 3:15 - 5:00 PM...  Review of pre-game show and work various parts of the halftime show.

Friday, 8/25:  Marching Band Practice: 3:15 - 4:45 PM...Review of the evening's performances

NOTE:  Still not sure if we'll be on our field this Friday or if other plans are in the workings... we'll let you know ASAP!!
