Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year... 🎈To all of our Centerburg Music People!

This week's announcements and schedule:

Universal Trip Participants should be sure to check their Bob Rogers Accounts and get their trip payments updated.  We've only go 2 months to go!

*  All Ohio Wesleyan Honor Band Participants should have already registered as a participant, paid their fees and printed out their music so they can practice their parts prior to February 14th's rehearsal at the University!!

HS Jazz Band will meet on Monday, Jan. 6th at 7 PM.  (In case of a snow day there will NOT be rehearsal)!

Middle School Jazz Band:  "NEW" Because we have such a wonderful bank of talent, we're looking to start up the MS Jazz Band again.  Rehearsals will be Monday nights from 6-7 PM.  Any students who wishes to be a part of the MS Jazz Band will need to be sure their schedules are clear during this time slot!  More info will be emailed to parents via Google Classroom presently.

All OMEA Solo / Ensemble participants are reminded to turn in their participation fees ($21)  (checks made payable to the Centerburg Music Boosters)  ASAP!!
