Welcome Back Everybody! Announcements...

 This week's announcements and schedule:  👀

Congratulations to the marching band on their 1st week of after-school practices.  We were amazed at how much of the show from band camp you remembered over a 2 week period!  Keep up the great work!

#1  Parents of Middle School Band / Instrumental Music Students A flyer / permission form "should" have gone home with your child this past Thursday.  It is very important that you read, sign and return the form no later than this coming Wednesday.  It concerns the new rotating music lesson schedule, and we absolutely need them handed in by Wednesday.  Thank you! "IF" a student does not return the form by Wednesday then we will assume that the parents are in agreement with the lesson schedule and the student will be included in the instrumental groupings and the lesson rotation Parents have 3 choices in this matter. Thanks! 

NOTE:  I am very pleased to say that out of the 15 signed forms I've received back thus far, 14 have given their child permission to participate in the music lesson schedule!  Kudos!

#2 Marching Band Practices:  Formally begin this Tuesday.  Please remember that this is a Varsity-Level activity [as well as part of their class] and that participation is mandatory.  The only reason a band member should be absent is if they were out sick from school that day or if the PARENT had contacted the band director ahead of time to make arrangements for a student to miss a portion of or an entire practice.  Thank you for your anticipated cooperation with this.  Students coming to the band director at the last minute saying they can't make that day's practice will simply be recorded as an unexcused absence in the grade book.  

NOTE:  We are putting the information out there now so everyone understands everything!  The marching band is not an extra-curricular activity for high schoolers, but rather the basis of their entire first quarter grade if they are enrolled in high school band class (Symphonic Band).  Just a heads-up.

#3 PLEASE take some time to visit the marching band portion of the Centerburg Music Website in order to view all the presentations, band handbook, Schedules and other pertinent information.   While many parents and students do take the time to review all the things that we take hours to put together, some students and their parents are sometimes in the dark because they have not taken the time to familiarize themselves with the band protocol and other information. HS Symphonic Band Syllabi will be given to students in class this coming week.

NOTE:  We don't mean to sound so frank, but we want to simply put it out there so everyone is on the same page.  The band still has a tremendous amount of work to do, as we have a challenging (but very fun and playable) show, but we currently still have 50% of it to learn, work and clean... AND learn the entire pregame show and 20 stand pep tunes as well.

A special thanks goes out to the many band members who have not missed a practice of any kind so far!!!

Great job so far everybody!  Thanks so much!  Rock-on!! 👍
