Important Announcements, Dates and Weekly Activities...Jan. 30th
Congratulations to all of our music students who participated in this year's OMEA Solo and Ensemble Adjudication Performances at Granville HS! Super job everybody !!! Upcoming Events (PLEASE mark your calendars)... Friday, Feb. 24th at 7:00 PM St. Patrick's Day Weekend Trip Parent/Student Meeting for all student participants and their parents. ALL chaperones are asked to please attend as there will be a chaperone meeting from 6:00-7:00 PM prior to the Trip meeting. IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL TRIP PARTICIPANTS: We truly apologize for any inconvenience, but unfortunately we will need to collect $10 extra from everyone! We had some unexpected/overlooked taxes and gratuities and well... we're a bit short . You can turn-in the $10 at the trip meeting on the 24th of April at 7 PM . OR put give it to either Mr. D. or Mrs. Culbertson. (Please be sure your child's name is on it, especially if it's cash in an envelope). ...