Music Update: May 10th, 2020

Hello all Centerburg Music People!

Just a few things as we wind-down the school year...

1)  Band Room Locker Clean-Out:  Has happened! Mr. Dettmar did it for you!  Anything that was left in your locker was labeled with your name and will be placed on the "BAND STUFF" Table in the front hall of the schoolPlease be sure to check the table to be sure you have everything when you come to school to drop-off your books, band music, chromebooks, etc...!

NOTE:  "IF" your instrument was in an unassigned locker without actually being assigned to you, you will need to contact Mr. D. to get it since we have no idea who's it is.

2)  Senior Band Grades...  Will be updated and placed in PowerSchool this week!  Please be sure you have all your band assignments in!  Mr. D. has absolutely "0" flexibility in grades due to the online process.  Assignments were rare, very doable and interesting.  Be sure to end your band career on a high NOTE!

3)  Marching Band Registration Papers:  are due no later than May 15th!  We extended it from May 1st because we felt like it!  Please be on top of things and get them in.  Because I can't see you face to face to remind you about it, whatever papers I have in my hands on May 15th is who will make the band.  I'll have the show written based on those students who have turned-in their registration papers!

4)  Try-out videos for various student leadership roles AND new color guard members will be due to Mr. Dettmar via his e-mail.  Turn-in dates are as follows...

Section Leaders:  May 15th
Field Commanders:  June 1st
New Color Guard Members:  June 15th

4)  FOLDERS:  High School Band and/or Jazz Band folders + ALL solo and ensemble-type music MUST be turned-in to the shelves inside the marching band trailer!  It's open.  We need to organize, file and put-away tons of stuff. 

6)  Music Awards:  We (the music faculty) want to have an actual awards ceremony instead of simply "mailing" things home!  "IF" things improve by mid to late summer, we'd like to hold an outdoor "pot-luck" style feast and hand-out awards at that time.  We'll just need to wait and see.  "IF" by chance we're not able to do that then items such as senior plaques, pins, letters, certificates, etc... will be made available for pick-up in the front foyer of the school.  We'll keep ya posted! 

7)  Finally... As a reminder, there will be no rehearsals, parades, performances or the like until we are told to resume, and even at that time, may need to adhere to some strict guidelines.  It's cool!  Life goes-on!  We're the Centerburg Trojans and we can do anything!
