
Showing posts from May, 2020

End of Year Announcements. 5 / 28 / 2020

Let's look forward to summer and the "hopefully" fall season! #1. Thank you seniors!!!  You have been wonderful to our music department both individually and as a group!  We're gonna miss you terribly!  Good Luck in everything you do! #2  Congratulations  to : John Daniels , recipient of the John Phillip Sousa Band Award -  Rita Costa ,  recipient of the Patrick Gilmore Band Award and Nick Daniels, recipient of the Director's Award for Band .  All three awards are sponsored by the Instrumentalist Magazine and are the highest honors that band students may attain!  #3. ALL Marching Band Registration Papers are now past due .  Mr. Dettmar has already spoken with Victor, our drill designer, and will be putting this season's show together during the month of June.  Remember, if you don't mail-in or drop off your band papers to the school you're not going to be included in the band .  Once the show is designed we can...

Well, We did it!

We managed to get through online instruction.  Believe me, it was a challenge in BAND!  I tried to make assignments meaningful, interesting and even fun!  I'll continue to learn more about it just in case we need to be online next year too! #1. Thank you to everyone who did the online band assignments and turned them in.  I posted on Google Classroom that any band student who is behind may do some make-up lessons on SmartMusic .   Out of the 179 band students we only had 8 who who didn't do any work during the 4th marking period.  IT'S NOT TOO LATE !   #2. End-of-Year Return/pick-up Days:  The school has posted days and hours for drop-off and pick-up of all personal belongings, instruments, chrome books and text books.  PLEASE be sure to check the BAND TABLE.   It's in the front hall by the main office!   We've gone through all band lockers and put your name on all your stuff.  It's lined up in alphabetical ...

Music Update: May 10th, 2020

Hello all Centerburg Music People! Just a few things as we wind-down the school year... 1)  Band Room Locker Clean-Out:  Has happened !   Mr. Dettmar did it for you!  Anything that was left in your locker was labeled with your name and will be placed on the "BAND STUFF" Table in the front hall of the school .  Please be sure to check the table to be sure you have everything when you come to school to drop-off your books, band music, chromebooks, etc...! NOTE:  "IF" your instrument was in an unassigned locker without actually being assigned to you ,  you will need to contact Mr. D. to get it since we have no idea who's it is. 2)  Senior Band Grades...  Will be updated and placed in PowerSchool this week!  Please be sure you have all your band assignments in!  Mr. D. has absolutely "0" flexibility in grades due to the online process.  Assignments were rare, very doable and interesting.  Be sure to end your band...

Marching Band Paperwork...

Attention Marching Band Members... OK, I probably should have given you more time to complete your marching band forms and return them, sorry!       BUT... PLEASE DO NOT scan and send your forms!   Please mail them to the school - yes, good old fashioned mai l (or drop them off in the main office). We'll extend the turn-in date to May 15th , ok?  Sorry!  I'm doin' my best here!   REASON :  I am absolutely inundated with  e-mail communications right now with  online instruction, virtual meetings, videos and google classroom and smartmusic assignments.  Right now - "for me" - paper mail is the way to go!   Thanks for understanding!! 😀


Hey Graduating Seniors! The new Marching Band Members Need Stuff! Are you willing to donate your shoes OR polo ? If so... shoot Mr. D. an e-mail and let us know! It's gonna be kind of a tough year $ speaking, and we'll need all the help we can get! Thanks!   😀

Spring Trip 2021

Centerburg High School Band and Choir  Dear Band and Choir members and families,  We hope that this letter finds you all healthy and safe. We truly miss seeing your faces and making music with you on a daily basis. We look forward to the time when we can be together again and play and sing as a group. We so look forward to seeing you all again and all of the new adventures the 2020-2021 school year holds.  As we have met as a music department to work out some semblance of a plan for the next school year and talked about all of the possibilities and contingencies that lie ahead, we had to make a decision about the Disney trip. At this time, under the advice of the school board, we have decided to put a stop to our plans for the spring trip. There are so many variables that go into planning a trip and we do not want to leave any families in a financial bind if we had to cancel further along. If things change we will possibly revisit the idea, but at this time...