Mid-Winter Update:
Mid-Winter Update, 2019 ATTENTION: ALL permission forms, t-shirt sizes and payments for the 7th & 8th Grade May 18th Kings Island Music Trip are positively due tomorrow, March 8th!!! Annual Parent / Student Trojan Marching Band Meeting: Thursday, April 25th , 2019 (MANDATORY) Short "Updated" yearly presentation followed by band fee/supply orders! Payments will be accepted ( Check or money order ONLY!) Attention all 7th and 8th Grade Band & Choir Parents... A cover letter, permission slip and t-shirt order form went home last Friday for the music competition trip on Saturday, May 18th . The first trip payment of $25 is due by March 8th . Obviously you may feel free to pay the entire $55 if you'd like. As is communicated in the letter, the fee includes transportation, a music t-shirt and entrance into the festival AND King's Island Amusement Park. Food is purchased individually . This is an "adjudicated performance" and we ...