Happy Summer Everybody!
Summertime Announcement Updates THE SHOW IS DONE! and you can view it on You Tube! How? Go to You Tube ( obviously) and search for Centerburg Marching Band Scroll down 'till you find "Bohemian Rhapsody", "Open Arms" or "Don't Stop Believin'" Click on it and crank up the volume! NOW GO PRACTICE! Congratulations! Here are the results of this season's drum line try-outs: Snare: Alayna Thomas (Co-Capt.), Taylor Scowden, Olivia Kelley, Rita Costa & Abigail James Quints: Kaia Newberry (Co-Capt.) & Collan Reed Basses: Maggie Mitchell (Lead), Luke Stupka, Tanner Ratliff & Ethen Kent COMMUNICATION! Hey everybody... We try hard to provide different ways to communicate with you and your families. It is really important that you check the Centerburg Music Blog , Centerburg Music Facebook , Centerburg Music Boosters Facebook and your " school" e-mail . We are putting a lot of information out t...