Mid-Winter Update
Mid-Winter Update OMEA Solo and Ensemble Adjudications at Granville HS Saturday, Feb 3rd Bus leaves CHS at 7:00 AM - Permission slips and soloist ($18) fees now due. Concessions available during the day Families and friends welcome to observe performances 7th & 8th Grade Band & Choir Evaluation Festival & Fun Day at King's Island Friday, May 18th Buses will leave by 7:00 AM and most likely return around 11:00 PM Cost per pupil is $44 ( includes festival and park entrance fee. Students will need to bring money for lunch and dinner. Watch for an informational letter to be mailed home to parents. Denison Concert Band Clinic (field trip): The high school band will attend a field trip to Denison University on Tuesday, February 20th . Students will be back in time for buses and after-school activities. The band will be performing their required selections in preparation for their upcoming OMEA Adjudication in March, and will be receiving critique a...