
Showing posts from September, 2023

Senior Week Update

  Note to all band members and parents... Although we said the final Wednesday after-school marching band practice would be today, September 27th, we will need to add one more next Wednesday, Oct. 4th.   That one will go from 3:15 - 5:00 PM.   The show chosen by the seniors is a good one, and the drill they wrote is super, albeit on the advanced side of the spectrum, and we simply need more time to finish it so it's presentable.  Thanks for understanding! I ndianapolis Trip Payments:  All upperclassmen, section leaders and drum majors who are registered for the Nov. 10th/11th BOA Indy trip must have their payments in absolutely by this Friday.   All $125.00 payments were supposedly due today (Wednesday, Sept. 27th)...but we can give them 'till Friday!  Please make checks payable to Centerburg Music Boosters. October 7th Mid-States Marching Band Competition:  Please remember to mark your calendars for next Saturday, October 7th , as the marchin...

Homecoming Week...2023

 Announcements Sept 25th - 29th Super work so far marching band.  The band staff all agreed that this past Friday's performance was the best we've EVER seen the Trojan Pride Band since we began leading it!  Congratulations! Monday:   Marching Band Practice 6:00 - 9:00 PM (We will most likely have a guest director present to give us some objective input and critique) Tuesday:   HS Jazz Band 3:15 - 4:15 PM Wednesday: Marching Band Practice 3:15 - 4:30 PM (The last Wednesday practice will be on October 4th) NOTE:  Band members will be dismissed at 4:30 on Wednesday so they may go home and have dinner before coming back for the Homecoming Parade.   More info. about that to be given in the band classes. Friday:   Marching Band Practice 3:15 - 4:30 followed by band dinner and home game. Next Weekend :  Saturday, October 7th:   Mid States Marching Band Competition at Mason High School - Mason, OH.  Buses will leave around 12:45 PM....

Announcements: Sept. 18th - 22nd

  This week... Monday:  Marching Band Practice (on the VARSITY FIELD )  6:00 - 9:00 PM   (There will be some additions to the show so please bring your music and dots!)  We'll load the trailer after each band class and then everybody will meet at the varsity field at 6 PM.  You'll need to return to the school after practice to put your things away! Tuesday:  Jazz Band meeting during period 8 band - Possible reschedule for Tuesday evening due to some schedule conflicts.  Time adjustment TBA. Wednesday:  Marching Band Practice:  3:15 - 5:00 PM (last Wednesday practice is on Wednesday, Sept 28th!)  After that we continue to practice on Monday evenings and Friday afternoons before games!  Wednesday practices will continue to be on our usual practice field. Friday:  Marching Band Practice:  3:15 - 4:30 PM   followed by dinner and game. REMINDER:  The next Saturday Band Festival is on Saturday, October 7th...

Announcements: Week of Sept. 11th - 15th

This Coming Week:    Marching Band members should bring in $4 each during the week...the boosters will be providing deli sandwiches for dinner this coming Friday!  Please give payments to either your section leader or a drum major! Monday, Sept. 11th:   *  4:00 - 7:00 "mandatory" Individual Marching Band Photos .   You may come-in to the school any time between 4 and 7 PM to have your picture taken [in uniform].  Your parents may then access the company website (to be provided) so they may order a photo package.  Senior banners will also be able to be ordered and will be here in time for senior night on Oct. 6th. *  6:30 PM - Live-Streamed saxophone recital Dr. Eric Nestler, Distinguished Professor of Saxophone at the Univ. of North Texas ( and one of Mr. D's classmates).  This is open to all saxophone students in grades 6-12 and will take place over pizza and soda in the band room.  PLEASE let Mr. D know you'll be attendin...

Calendars and schedules

  Calendar and schedule info...           Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience with last minute changes to schedules having to do with the marching band.  Sometimes we need to change things when the people who work for us and with us are only available at certain times, i.e. Parent volunteers for uniform fittings, photographers,  vendors, etc...  We attempt to stick to the calendar as close as possible, and from here on out that should be the case.  Tying together the loose ends has been a challenge this season, and we are at the mercy of the schedules of others, which in turn has an affect on what we need to do.  Please understand, however, that Mr. D and Mrs. Teschler NEVER leave the school until every band member has been picked-up by their parents.  A student will never be left to wait alone.  Uniform fitting went very slowly last evening because so many changes need to be made...and it ran right through o...

Week of September 4th - 8th

  This Week in the bands... Mt. Vernon High School Showcase of Bands ...this coming Saturday evening, Sept 9th at 7 PM. .. MVHS Stadium.  See the flyer online ! Tuesday:  HS Jazz Band Rehearsal (credited and graded class) from 3:10 - 4:30 PM. Wednesday:  Marching Band practice from 3:15-5:00 followed by uniform, shoe and t-shirt distribution.  Wednesday:  New Uniform Distribution   -  5 PM...Please make plans on your calendar to be there!! IF YOU CAN TRY ON YOUR NEW UNIFORM DURING THE DAY ON WEDNESDAY THEN YOU WON"T NEED STAY AFTER AT 5 PM ! Friday:  Marching Band practice from 3:15-4:30 followed by dinner and the football game (same buses as last week!!!)....... FULL UNIFORM ! Saturday:  Report time to school ...4:00 PM  (polish shoes and instruments)  Buses leave at 5:30 PM for MVHS festival. Upcoming Performances : *  Centerburg Old Time Farm Festival Parade:  Sat., Sept.16th 10 AM (exact time TBD) *  ...