
Showing posts from May, 2021

Memorial Day Parade and Practice

  Centerburg Memorial Day Parade and Practice... Parade Practice :  Wednesday evening, May 26th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. (Full Band) Parade :  Monday (Memorial Day) May 31st.  Load band trailer at 9:15 AM .  Report to the corner of Hartford and Church Sts . at 9:45 AM .   Parade steps-off at 10:45 . ALL current Marching Band Members (2020-21 Band) are expected to attend! Red band polos, khakis and sneakers!  See ya there!   You MUST have a lyre on your instrument!!!

Please stand by for announcement concerning Memorial Day Parade Practice!

  Please ignore any previous posts concerning the Memorial Day Parade Practice.  We are still attempting to determine a date and time!  Sorry for the inconvenience!

Florida / Disney Trip Registrations DUE!!!

 2022 Florida / Disney Band & Choir Trip Registrations close on: Monday, May 17th We'd like to make the trip a "go", but at this point only 1/3 of the band has registered!

Congratulations to next Season's Marching Band Leaders!

 Congratulations: 2021 Band Leadership Team:    All 4 will serve as Field Commanders , One will double as  Band Manager , One as Head Librarian and one as Head of Section Leaders , One or more, in some instances, will double as actual section leaders.   Meredith Morgan     Judith Dettmar      Jasper Faught      Sequoia Heine-Byerly 2021 Band Section Leaders: Flute Section Leader:....................Lianna Kopycinski Clarinet Section Leader:...............Emilee Fletcher Saxophone Section Leader............Logan Costa Mellophone Section Leader..........Madigan Kennedy Trumpet Section Leaders..............Emma Campos and Casey Kennedy Low Brass Section Leaders:.........Maddie Donabauer, Judith Dettmar, Alex Brown, Alaina Montgomery and Jasper Faught  Drum Line Captain:......................Kyle Schmidt Asst. Drum Line Captain..............Riley Skillman Bass Drum Leader:........................Alessandra Brow...

Looks like this is the end!

  Let's Wrap Things Up...! This Week: Monday: May 10th 1) Field Commander Try-Outs @ 3:45 in the band room. 2) Jazz Band practice from 7-9!  Yes, a little longer.  Need to get it right! Wednesday:  May 12th 1) Drum line and pit percussion practice from 6:00 - 7:30 PM 2) Marching Band Practice (the 2021-22 band) from 7:00 - 9:00 PM (inside and outside) - Please wear sneakers, tennis shoes or your band shoes!!! Thursday:  (Concert Day). May 13th - PLEASE WEAR SOMETHING NICER! Period 7 = 7th and 8th Grade Band Concert Recording Period 8 = 6th and HS Band Concert Recording Period 9 = HS Band Concert Recording HS Jazz Band will be either on Thursday or Friday at 3:15 PM. NEXT WEEK: Tuesday, May 18th :  Band & Choir awards distributed during classes + Senior Music Cook-out on the side lawn during lunch! Tuesday, May 18th:   Music Booster Meeting!  Please come!! Wednesday, May 19th:  Drumline and Pit Percussion practice In the near future: M...

End of the Year in Choir

Hey Parents... The Music Boosters need help!!!

PARENTS:    PLEASE read!  Dear Parents of Music Students, As I'm sure you know, the Centerburg Music Boosters are an integral part of what we do in the music department.  Our current officers have been on the job for 5 years, and, although we obviously thank all the parents who have manned the concession stand, pulled the band trailer, served as chaperones, committee chairs and officers , we currently have no new parents stepping-up to take the place of our retirees! It's not a big job, and we only meet for an hour or so once a month in the band room.  While we know everyone has responsibilities both at home at at work, we really need people to come forward!  We have approximately 400+ parents of all our music students, and we're lucky to get 4-6 parents even coming to a music booster meeting.   We wouldn't be writing this letter if we truly were not desperate.  It's time to put the budget together and to begin planning our activities for t...

Weekly update... Week of May 3rd - 7th

  Weekly Update... Monday :  Jazz Band members should report to the stage by 5:45 PM .  Utica's Jazz Band will play first and we'll play 2nd.  PLEASE SURE TO WARM-UP AHEAD OF TIME!!!   If you haven't yet done so, please give your $3 pizza money to Mr. D! Wednesday :  The marching Drumline and Pit Percussion will continue to have practice from 6:00-7:30 PM.  There is NO full marching band practice Wednesday night!   The next marching band practice is May 12th from 7:00 - 9:00 PM ! Thursday :  The color guard will continue to have practice from 3:00- 5:00 PM on Thursday afternoon!

Mattress Sale Fundraiser TODAY!!!

  MATTRESS SALE FUNDRAISER "Happening right NOW !" Sunday, May 2nd from 10 AM 'till 4 PM Band and choir students should have signed-up for a time to help out and should report for their shift!  Thanks!!!