
Showing posts from April, 2021

Music Boosters Annual Mattress Sale Fundraiser... This Sunday!

 Annual Music Boosters Mattress Sale!  FUNDRAISER This Sunday, May 2nd 10:00 AM 'till 4:00 PM CHS Gymnasium *Wholesale prices.   * No middle man!    The band and choir get the $ ! *Brand names *Great Selection, delivery and set-up! *Removal of your old mattress. Support the Centerburg Music Department!  👍

Mattress Fundraiser HELP........!!!

  Hey Everybody...!    WE NEED HELP!!! Our MATTRESS SALE FUNDRAISER is this coming Sunday, May 2nd from 10 AM 'till 4 PM, and out of the 220 band and choir students only 4 have signed-up to help-out this Sunday!!!  Please sign-up for a time to help us out! Yard Signs:  This past week we presented the fundraiser to all the band and choir students in grades 6 through 12 and asked them all to take home their flyers to distribute as well as a yard sign (if they lived on a street that "some" cars went down everyday) and post it in front of their house down by the road.  Only a few have been taken home and poor Mr. Dettmar had to spend 6 hours riding up and down route 36, going into businesses, calling people and putting-up signs.  We really need everybody (students) to pitch-in a little!!!  Obviously if you've been doing your part we appreciate your time and help!!! Pass the word!  This is our only fundraiser of the year (due to COVID restrict...

Centerburg Music Boosters

The Centerburg Music Boosters are looking for a couple of parents to volunteer for the program as officers. If you would like to learn more please message the boosters or speak with one of our Music Teachers. The Boosters are a well oiled machine and you will not be thrown in with no guidance. A few officers are returning, but we do have some that are stepping down. Our program relies on the boosters to provide support and funding for every music student k-12. . The meetings are once a month for an hour and the officers help to organize fundraising, volunteers, and advocating for the music department. Please consider volunteering Thank you!!!

We need help!

We need some volunteers for our upcoming mattress fundraiser! We need students to hold signs and draw attention to the event in front of the school and in town on the day of the event. We also need some parents to help supervise these students.  Please click here to  sign up for a time slot to come out and volunteer.  We are looking forward to the event this weekend. Keep handing out flyers and stop by the school for a sign to post in your yard to advertise the event.

Annual Mattress Sale Fundraiser

Centerburg Music Booster Mattress Sale Fundraiser This coming Sunday (may 2nd) from 10:00 AM 'till 4:00 PM. (in the high school gym) Students should sign-up for a time to "help-out" ! Distribute your flyers to everyone you can but please do not place mattress sale flyers in mail boxes.  They are for US mail only! Jazz Band:  Will hold practice tonight (Monday) from 7:00-8:30 PM.  Next Monday (may 3rd) practice will run from 5:45 PM 'till 7:30 as we are hosting a jazz band exchange concert with Utica's jazz band.  We'll play from 6-7 pm and then have some pizza and goodies at 7 pm.  Please give Mr. D. your $3 for pizza BUT... we sorta need a little more $ if you can spare it.  Mr. D. miscalulated!  Drum Line & Pit Percussion:  Practice this Wednesday from 6 - 7 PM, followed by full marching band from 7 - 8:15 PM. Marching Band Practice (for the 2021-22 band) is this Wednesday from 7:00 - 8:15 PM.  All new and returning members should pl...

Weekly Updates...

 Week of April 19th - 23rd: Wednesday Evening drum line and percussion pit practice continues from 6 - 7:30 PM Marching Band Practice :  The next meeting/practice of the 2021-22 Marching Band is scheduled for next Wednesday, April 28th from 7:00-8:15 PM . -  Please bring your instruments and be sure to have a 3-ring binder ! Jazz Band :   The jazz band will continue to hold Monday evening practices through May 10th.  On Monday, May 3rd Utica HS will be joining us for an exchange concert (no audience) beginning 6 PM , so we are asking all jazz band members to please arrive by 5:45 PM!!  We'll play from 6 - 7 PM and then we'll have pizza at 7 PM.  PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO GIVE MR. D YOUR $3 FOR PIZZA.  IF YOU'D LIKE TO DONATE MOR $ WE COULD DEFINATELY USE IT!!! Music Department Annual Mattress Sale Fundraiser ... will be held in the high school gym on Sunday, May 2nd from 10 AM 'till 4 PM .  Come support the music department by buying a new...

Extra Marching Band, Color Guard and Choir Shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, etc... for sale!

 Extra Polos, t-shirts, hoodies and sweatshirts  FOR SALE! Choir and Color Guard hoodies, sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc..   See Mrs. Culbertson Extra "WHITE" marching band polo shirts (cotton)...  See Mr. D POLOS:  For anybody who wants 'em = $10 each (regularly $29!) These are "over-stock" items and ARE NOT regulation apparel for the current marching band season! 

Disney Trip

We are putting together tentative plans for a HS Band and Choir performance trip to Disney in the spring of 2022! Those who are registered for a hs performance class next year were sent a google classroom link where they can find all of the information. Please check there for trip itinerary, registration info, and a video from Mr. D and Mrs. C!


  The first meeting and practice of the 2021-22 Marching Band (that is... any students who will be in the marching band this coming fall) is tonight at 7:00 PM!  All NEW and RETURNING band members are expected to attend!!! "IF" you have an absolutely emergent schedule conflict then parents should either e-mail Mr. D. or leave a message on the band office phone (740-625-6055, ext. 2185) .  These are important preliminary and organizational meetings, and we need all members present and accounted for!  Thanks! All band members should bring a 3-ring binder!!! See ya tonight!   Don't forget there's still drum line and pit percussion practice "BEFORE" marching band from 6:00 - 7:00 ! 

Mattress Fundraiser Zoom

 Tonight's the night!  Join us for the informational Zoom meeting at 7:00pm about the upcoming Mattress Fundraiser!  If we have 100 participants we will earn $500 for our program!  Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 849 518 4294 Passcode: CFS

It's a big week...

  Announcements:  Week of April 12th - 16th Wednesday, April 14th (New time... 7 PM - 8:30 PM :   The first meeting of the 2021-22 marching band.   This is for ALL band members both NEW and returning!!    Please bring a 3-ring binder for your new band music.  You will be: a) Meeting your sections and organizing your folders and music b) Participating in student leadership elections. c)  Beginning to play a little of the show music. This practice is mandatory for all those who will be in this season's marching band.  "IF" you have a schedule conflict your parents must notify Mr. D. in advance.  Drumline and Pit Percussion Practices:   Will continue each week from 6:00 - 7:30 PM (even on marching band days!) Color Guard:  Continues to practice every Thursday afternoon from 3-5 PM Jazz Band:  Continues to practice from 7-8:30 PM every Monday night. 

Welcome Back!!! What's going on?

 Week of April 5th - 9th Announcements... Jazz Band:  Will continue to meet every Monday evening from 7:00 - 8:30 PM .  See ya tonight! Drumline and Pit Percussion:   Will continue to meet every Wednesday evening from 6:00 - 7:30 PM! 2021-22 Marching Band will have its first rehearsal on Wednesday evening, April 14th from 7:15 - 8:15 PM.  Please be at school BY 7:00!  ALL NEW AND RETURNING MEMBERS SHOULD ATTEND! Memorial Day Parade:   Is a go!  Yes... we need everybody from this past season's marching band (INCLUDING OUR ESTEEMED SENIORS) . to participate!  More details to follow! Graduation:   Is being planned as an indoor, socially-distanced event.  As we are to understand, however, the concert band and choir will NOT be participating. Marching Band Forms and payments:  All marching band mailers went home over break.  "IF" you know you're in band but did not receive one PLEASE let Mr. D. ASAP.  All forms and pa...