
Showing posts from September, 2020


  ATTENTION! Tonight's Ice Cream Social and Marching Band Performance has been postponed due to inclement weather.  We will be rescheduling for either Friday, Oct. 9th or Saturday, Oct. 10th - depending on what transpires football-wise!  We'll know by this Thursday! SENIOR NIGHT TICKETS :  Any band members who wishes to obtain tickets for this Friday's home game against Fredericktown must see Mr. Porter in the Athletic office! NO MARCHING BAND TONIGHT!!!

Monday Performance Update...

  ANNOUNCEMENT Based on the weather forecast, The marching band staff has decided to wait until 1:30 PM tomorrow (Monday, Sept. 28th) to make a final decision on the Ice Cream Social Band Performance.  At this point (9:00 PM Sunday night) we are planning on moving forward.  More information to follow. SENIORS...  Mr. Porter is attempting to obtain up to 4 tickets per senior for this Friday's game.  We'll know more by tomorrow!

Monday Night!

  ATTENTION ALL MARCHING BAND MEMBERS AND FAMILIES...! At this point (Sunday morning at 9 AM) The Ice Cream Social and Performance is still a go for Monday night.  There is currently a 75% chance of rain at the time of the performance but things could change and we'll be keeping an eye on it between now and 9 PM tonight! We will post any changes at that time! "IF" we need to cancel for Monday, the event WILL be rescheduled! There is also a "possibility" that we may be holding marching band into the middle of October, and that we may participate in one or 2 additional band festivals on Saturday nights so please do not tie yourselves into something until we make our decisions! Great Job Last Night!!!  👍

This week's Marching Band Schedule...!

  Marching Band Schedule: Friday, Sept. 25th:  3:00 - 4:30 PM - Marching Band Practice (on the new track field) Friday, Sept. 25th:  Home Football Game 7:00 PM.  Band members should report to the front of the elementary BY 6:15 PM (band polos and khakis) Saturday, Sept. 26th:   Mount Vernon HS Band Show .  Report time to school is 5:00 PM and the buses will leave AT 5:30 PM .  Bands in attendance will be Danville, Utica, Centerburg and Mount Vernon, and we'll take turns playing for and cheering on each other!  NO SPECTATORS , but the event will be streamed live . (More information on the LIVE STREAM to follow). Monday, Sept. 28th:  Band Practice 5:00 - 7:00 PM (ON THE VARSITY FIELD) Please wear band polos & Khakis! Monday, Sept. 28th:   7:00 PM -  Annual Marching Band Ice Cream Social and Marching Band Performance .  This year the band will be participating in the Annual Yamaha Cup Championship hosted by the USBan...

Icecream Social Update!

From the Music Boosters... We will be having our annual ice cream social Monday, September 28 at 7pm. Tickets were passed out last night at practice. If you did not receive your tickets, contact Mr. Dettmar .  You will need to sit on the marked areas in the bleachers and NO LAWN SEATING!!! Masks are also required.  If you would like to attend and do not have marching band student please contact Mr. Dettmar to obtain tickets.  We are asking for donations for entry. As you can imagine with having to cancel four major fundraisers we are hoping to raise some money for our program with this event!!

Weekly Update...

  Week of September 21st: 1) Monday Marching Band Practice will go from 5:00 - 7:00 PM . 2) Tickets for this Friday night's game will be distributed at band practice Monday evening. 3) Tickets for the Annual Marching Band Ice Cream Social & USBands Virtual Yamaha Cup Marching Band Championship   (on Monday evening, Sept. 28th)   have been distributed to those "in-school" students already, and will be distributed to other band members at Monday evening's band practice.   4) The Annual Mt. Vernon HS Band Show is scheduled for this coming Saturday night, Sept. 26th at 7:00 PM .  Report time to school is 5:00 PM and the buses will "pull-out" at 5:30 PM .  Band members should wear their band polos, khakis and white sneakers/tennis shoes (NO EXCEPTIONS!).  This performance is for band members only and there are no spectators permitted.  Participation is mandatory!


 Come one!  Come All! Monday Evening, September 28th Annual Music Booster Ice Cream Social & 2020 Trojan Marching Band Performance " Virtual Band Competition " in the USSBA Yamaha Cup Championship Ticket Vouchers available soon! (up to 3 per band member) (Donations appreciated) Start Time:  7 PM CHS Varsity Field Go Trojan Pride


  ATTENTION ALL MARCHING MEMBERS AND FAMILIES... As is posted in the Marching Band Handbook, Practice times will change today due to the loss of daylight in the evening.  For the remainder of the season marching band will go from 5:00 - 7:00 PM on Monday nights! Other Changes: 1. Drumline will practice from 3-4 PM on Thursdays only ! 2. There will no more Pit Percussion practices on Thursday afternoons. 3.  PLEASE don't forget to mark your calendars for the Mt. Vernon Band festival on Saturday evening, September 26th AND the Annual Ice Cream Social Marching Band Performance and video recording for the Virtual USSBA Marching Band Competition on Monday evening, September 28th on or Varsity Field.


 Pit Percussion will NOT meet today (Thursday) from 4-6 PM.   See you tomorrow for band practice at 3 PM.  Don't forget your polos and khakis!  The band picture is right at 3 PM! Drumline WILL meet today (Thurs.) from 3-4 PM.  Please be on time! Friday's Schedule: 3 PM - Group Band Picture.  Please remember to change into (or wear) your band polo and khakis. 3:15 - 4:30 PM - Marching Band Practice. 4:30 - Load trailer.  (You are then free for dinner) 6:15 PM - Meet in front of elementary school for warm-up and tuning. 6:30 PM - march in "in 2's" to drum cadence! 6:35 PM - Find seat and unload your stuff 6:40 PM - Get into pre-game block on the 50. 6:45 PM - Perform Pre-game (standstill) 6:55 PM - Tunnel Entrance 7:00 PM - Game begins * Perform halftime show * Band is FREE 3rd quarter, but must remain seated (except for the potty). * Feel free to bring as much stuff to eat in a backpack!  We'll pass out bottled water! PLEASE CHECK THE BAND HANDBO...

Weekend Update...

  Weekend Update: Wednesday, September 9th:  After-School Marching Band from 3:00 - 5:30 PM.   (PLEASE TRY TO MAKE CHANGES TO YOUR SCHEDULE SO YOU CAN BE HERE!  WE DIDN'T PLAN ON THE STORM MONDAY NIGHT!) Friday, September 11th: After-School Marching Band Practice from 3:00 - 4:30 PM PLEASE WEAR YOUR POLOS AND KHAKIS!!!  WE'LL HAVE OUR GROUP PICTURE TAKEN! Football Game:  All band members report to the front of the elementary by 6:15 PM .  We will tune, march in in 2's and get ready for the pregame (simple block formation) Halftime Show:  We will perform our full half time show! 3rd Quarter:  Band members will still be FREE during the 3rd quarter BUT will not be permitted to visit concessions.  YOU CAN BRING AS MUCH FOOD AS YOU'D LIKE IN A BACK PACK!!!  



Marching Band Practice Tonight!

  Don't Forget... There's marching band practice tonight (Monday - Labor Day) from 6:00 - 8:00 PM!

Pre-Game Schedule

 Hello all marching band members and families... We have a few changes to our schedule over the next week or so.  They are as follows... 1.  There WILL be marching band practice this coming Monday (Labor Day) from 6-8 PM .  We have a home game on Friday and will need the time to put things together! 2.  There will be an after-school Stands (pep) Music practice next Wednesday, Sept. 9th from 3:00 - 4:30 PM.  We will not march. 3.  There will be marching band practice prior to the Sept. 11th home game from 3:00 - 4:30 PM 4.  Marching band members should wear their band polos with khakis and white sneakers or tennis shoes for the performances at the game. 5.  Band members will be sitting in the same location as always but will be in folding chairs and socially distanced.  We will provide music stands on which to lay your flip books, but you should invest in a lyre for instrument anyway! 6. The songs we'll be playing in the stands are: ...

Weekly Update

  Weekly Update:   High School Marching Band: 1.  Every band member will be permitted 2 tickets for home football games.   We need to know BY 3 PM this coming Monday "exactly" how many tickets each band member is requesting.  Most will be done during 9th period band today (Thursday) but some will be through e-mail.  This cannot wait until Monday evening band practice! 2.  The band is looking at various festivals and competitions in which to participate.  Mount Vernon is attempting to put one together for Saturday evening, September 26th so please do not schedule work or other at that time!  The other will be our annual "Ice Cream Social" .  The date we're looking at for that is Monday evening, September 28th at 7:00 PM . on our Varsity Field.  Parents WILL be able to attend that.  We will ask for a donation upon entering the gates. We'll also be recording that performance and sending it to the USBands Competition Cir...