Weekend Update... I would personally like to thank all the parents and family members who returned the Music Booster Volunteer Form in a timely manner. Moreover, I'd like to thank all the parent volunteers who have been coming out to help at the concession stand, load instruments, donate their vehicles to transport items, run or attend meetings, serve on committees, head fundraisers, balance record books or simply just lend a hand where needed. You are the people who make it possible for us to find success in what we do! Out of the 179 Booster Volunteer Forms that were "mailed" to band member's homes 17 were returned. While that is a rather disheartening number (and we wonder why), it is obvious that we do have a very supportive core of families who see value in supporting the other students and parents who are out there every week making it all happen! Please get involved! It's not too late Someday you're going to wish you had! 😀 ...