
Showing posts from August, 2018

Marching Band Skull Session Performance!

CHS Trojan Pride Band First Home Game SKULL SESSION PERFORMANCE Friday, September 7th 6:15 PM in front of the elementary school Come get pumped for the game!

5th Grade Band Meeting

5th Grade Band Meeting Is your 5th grader interested in Band? There is a lot of information to be covered regarding fifth grade band…. What instrument should my child play? When will they have band class? How do I get an instrument for my child? What if I already have an instrument?   I want to answer all of these questions for you and any others that you might have! Please join me on Tuesday September 4th at 7:00pm in the Multipurpose Room (MPR) at the Elementary School. Questions?

MVNU Community Music School

Dear Middle School Parents... What an opportunity! The Mount Vernon Nazarene University Community Music School !    (Brand New This FALL!) Go to: Beginner, intermediate & advanced lessons on ALL instruments! ( $80 for 10 lessons!) . That's $8 a lesson!  Unheard of!!! Early evening hours! PLUS... Group piano, guitar and voice classes from beginner through adult!!! Mr. D. says...        DO IT!

Marching Band Logistics

Marching Band Schedule for the next 2 weeks. (8/27 - 8/31) & (9/3 - 9/7) PLEASE read! Mon.  8/27: 3:00 - 5:00 PM Wed.  8/29: 3:00 - 5:45 PM Fri.     8/31: 3:00 - 4:30 PM  (followed by game) Mon.  9/3:   Labor Day - NO PRACTICE Wed.  9/5:   3:00 - 5:45 PM Fri.     9/7:   3:00 - 4:30 PM  (followed by game) * We will still be in polos and khakis for these games!

Attention Parents...!

Attention Parents...! Band Handbook Correction:   The Music Booster Meetings have been changed for this year to the 3rd Tuesday of each month.   As usual, we welcome any and all parents who have youngsters in choir or band from grade 6-12 to join us!  The next meeting is tomorrow night (Tuesday, Aug. 21st) - in the band room)  The marching band is in " desperate " need of 2 items: 1)  A power source (power pack, generator,etc...) anything! that is capable of handling 3000 watts of power.  We need it for football field use for the pit (front ensemble)  synthesizer, sound system and bass amp at half time performances, practices and festivals / competitions.  If anyone can loan us one  (needs to be quiet obviously) or donate one that would be absolutely super! (Call Chuck Dettmar in the band office at 740-625-6055 ext. 2185) We're in the 11th hour here so the quicker the better!!!  Thanks folks! 2)  We need a pare...

Correction to the May Concert Date

In the Choir handbook that was sent home with students there was a typo for the May concert. The correct date/time for that concert is Sunday May 5, 2019 from 5pm-8pm. Thanks for your understanding! Also, the calendar tab on the blog is always being updated with events that the music department is involved with so that you can stay up to date. If you would like to subscribe to the calendar please send an email to or

How to Sign Up for REMIND

Remind is a tool that we use similar to communicate with students and parents about things happening in the Music Department. The system works similarly to the One Call System used by our school district. It's a way for teachers to be able to text students and parents without exchanging actual phone numbers. Use the below infographic to sign up for the music ensemble that your student is a part of. 6th-12th Choirs- Text to : 81010  In the message: @cburgchoir High School Band- Text to : 81010  In the message: @tpmb Centerburg Alumni- Text to: 81010 In the message @choirgrad (If you'd like to be updated about alumni band and choir events.) The below infographic is just an example using the choir code.

Welcome Back to School!

Announcements #1! Welcome Back! High School Band & Choir Washington D.C. Performance Trip March 21st , 22nd and 23rd , 2018 (Just before  Spring Break!) The music department is hosting an Educational Performance Trip to Washington D.C. this spring and we would love to have as many high school band and choir members participate as we can! If you're interested or have questions please attend the: Informational Meeting   (For students, staff and parents) August 28th at 7:00 PM CHS Auditorium 6th Grade Band & Choir :  Had a terrific start!  We have a record number of students enrolled this year!  Parents should be sure to sign and return music handbook sign-off sheets or Choir Commitment Form that came home with your student. Remember to check the Centerburg Music Blog and the Centerburg Music Facebook page each week to stay abreast of what is going on.  Parents of band members should know that ALL assignments are po...