Weekly Update: June 1st - 5th, 2017
Update: June 1st-5th, 2017 Thank you Trojan Pride Marching Band for another super Memorial Day Parade! Your commitment does not go unnoticed. Our next event is the USA Days Parade on Saturday, June 24th (report time is at 9:30 AM and the parade steps-off at 10!) We will have a practice the day before (Friday, June 23rd from 5-7 PM) to go over our music and march a little bit for our new members! This event does include all incoming freshmen and new members. We'll distribute your polo shirts when you arrive at practice on the 23rd. Friday evening Percussion Practices: As a reminder, the drum line and pit will continue to meet from 7-8:30 PM each and every Friday evening in June up until the USA Days Parade on June 24th! Extra Marching Band Music Help: is being offered from 7-8:30 each and every Friday evening during the month of June. Come for an hour, 15 minutes, 45 minutes, whatever ... and get help from Mr. D. on you...