Weekly Update Act. 31st - 11/4
Week of October 31st: It's Play-off Time! Yes, that's right. And we do not have any way of telling how many more Friday evening games we may have, so please do not schedule anything on Fridays until we know for sure! BUT... There are no more after-school marching band practices , except for before the play-off game(s) on Fridays!!! This Friday's game will be held at Fort Frye High School in Beverly, Ohio. This is 103 miles ( 2.5 hrs. by school bus) SE of Centerburg, and below Zanesville. The game start time will be 7:30 PM. Everything is now "in stone" - We will be leaving CHS at 4:15 PM. This is the earliest the bus drivers are able to pick us up after their after-school runs. Because of this we will not have time to stop along the way for dinner as previously planned, so you may want to nosh on something before we leave as there is no food or drink permitted on the buses! You may also pack something to eat in the stands during t...