2016 Marching Band Parent Meeting
2016 Trojan Pride Parent & Band Member Meetings Monday, April 25th - 7:00 PM OR Tuesday, April 26th - 7:00 PM CENTERBURG H.S BAND ROOM Dear Parents/Guardians and Band Members, In an attempt to refine our methods and become more and more organized as the band grows in size, we are "requiring" all students and one of their parents/guardians who wish to participate in marching band to attend one of the two organizational meetings (above). This is similar to what the various athletic teams require prior to trying-out or participating in a sport. The meetings will consist of a short presentation, a question/answer session and the completion and turning-in of the required paperwork. Music booster representatives and marching band staff members will be present to assist you in completing the required information, and will be available to sit and discuss various methods of ordering and paying for items such as band shoes, t-...