
Showing posts from February, 2016

March 2nd Concert and March 4th and 5th Large Group Performances

March 2nd Concert Concert Date:     Wednesday, March 2nd Time:    7:00 PM Performing Groups:  7th,8th and HS Choirs, 7th,8th and HS Bands and Jazz Band Concessions:   Bake sale during intermission and after the concert March 4th:     OMEA District 10 South Large Group (Choirs) Centerburg Choir Performance Time:   3:40 PM  March 5th:     OMEA District 10 South Large Group  (Bands) Centerburg Concert Band Performance:   3:15 PM ALL performances will be in the CHS Theater.   Please arrive early as once a band performance begins doors will not be opened to spectators! Concessions :   Full concession stand with hot and cold food and beverages during both OMEA events on Friday and Saturday.

May Concert Update

NEW May Concert Dates Unfortunately, we will not be able to hold a one day Music Festival in May due to some conflicting events in our community.  We will instead return to our traditional spring concert series for the final concerts of the year. The  NEW May concert dates are as follows: High School Band, Choir and Jazz Band:  Monday, May 9th 7/8 Band and Choir:  Tuesday, May 10th 4-6 Band, Choir and Orff Ensemble:  Thursday May 12th All Concerts will begin at 7:00pm with Students arriving at 6:30 to warm up.

Save The Dates!

SAVE THE DATES! Here are the dates for our upcoming Spring Concerts: -Wednesday, March 2nd, 7-12 Band and Choir at 7:00pm -Friday, March 4th Large Group Contest for High School Choir, time TBA -Saturday, March 5th Large Group Contest for High School Band, time TBA *We will be in need of student and parent volunteers for the Large Group events, as they will be held at the High School* *ATTENTION* This year, we are trying something new with our end of the year concerts.  We are combining all of the concerts into a District Arts Festival on Saturday May 7th in the early afternoon/evening . This will involve students in grades 3-12. The times for each performing group will be announced at a later date.

OMEA Large Group Festival to be Hosted by CHS Music Dept.

2016 OMEA Large Group Festival As in past years, this year the Centerburg H.S. Music Department will host both of the OMEA (Ohio Music Educator's Association) Large Group Performances on Friday, March 4th (Choirs) and Saturday, March 5th (Bands).  The CHS Choir and Band will perform in the festival so we are asking for parents and students alike to please mark their calendars well ahead of time.  In a performance of this caliber  we cannot afford to have any of our members absent. Come Watch! Spectators are welcome to attend the performances (schedule to follow) and concessions will be available in the cafeteria.  We would especially like to see some of our middle school music students come to watch, as they can only learn by observing! We need help! Both the directors and music boosters will need help during the festival, so if you are a student interested in becoming a host, runner or backstage helper or a parent/guardian interested in volunteering i...